Sunday, April 27, 2003

Tell a grown-up if you smell natural gas

WHYYYYYY?! WHY must evil BREAD enter this HOUSE? Bread + sugar = the devil. Sigh. And I was doing so well. I've decided to keep up with the Pesach tradition of refraining from chametz...indefinitely. Indefinitely = during the week, excluding weekends and major holidays. Ahem.

How can you see into my eyes like open doors...

Heading to work here in a few (I've never typed that before). EH. I am so done with that job. It's been a lovely ride, you see...but we're different people! Really! I promise! You see...its NOT you. Its me!

But being employed does indeed have its benefits, i.e. MONEY. And there is also the MONEY. And did I mention the MONEY? Right. RIGHT.

I cannot believe it. We start the "MAJOR CRAP HAUL II" on Monday. We're aiming for our first night to be on Friday. Oh how I love you, Irish Pat Murphy.