Saturday, July 05, 2003

Insane Gorilla

So went to Dreux's last night...uh yea. "Just come up the hill at the back of our house to watch the fireworks!" This was a freaking HIKE. In the dark. And with flip flops. Too awesome to be real. Ah well. It was mucho fun, anywho.

Awww...Nate. He does indeed rule. Meeting up with him on Tuesday for an old-fashioned catch-up.

Training Ben today on computer crap and the like. Great fun. Probably going to take the staff van in for an overdue cleaning today, as well. Yay.

So tonight I get "off" at 4:30, but I am on call until tonight, whereupon I shall pass the pager on to Mr. Pippen. Thank the good Lord, people.