Sunday, February 29, 2004

It has come to this


This morning I was driving back from Daniel's at around 3am. The roads were shitty, starting at i-25 and Hampden. Wow. NO plowing whatsoever. People were going around 30 mph. I exit off of Lincoln, making my way home to Parker. Not far to go. Start heading down a hill at around 20mph, and I feel myself drifiting to the right. I can't stop. I can't turn. I end up smashing the front right of my car into the guardrail. Ouch. I'm okay. I wait for the cars behind to pass the road so I can back up on the road and continue home with my busted headlight. Then WHAM! I am smashed from behind out of nowhere, and I spin into the intersection. Everything in my car is flying about. My head and chest fly forward. I scream.

So yes. My first car accident. Lovely. I feel pain in my neck. Dad comes to get me, and I park my once beautiful car at Walgreens. The trunk is completely smashed to bits. He takes me home, and my back is starting to majorly hurt. We go to the hospital, and the radio. tech takes about 30 x-rays of my spine. Nothing broken, thank G-d. But I can barely move. My ribs and pelvis are bruised to hell. I have a huge goose-egg on my left knee. WEEEE!

But nothing is broken. No stitches. It could have been worse. My car is now a piece of shit. Sigh.

This was my first accident.

On the phone tomorrow with everyone and their brother about the accident. Yay insurance.

My face hurts like a bitch.

Kyle, I left my cell in the car, and I don't have your number anywhere else. CALL ME at home, you troll.

I need to sleep for a week.