Friday, March 26, 2004

My independence seems to vanish in the haze

This headache will not leave. Its gone from a right-sided migraine starting yesterday afternoon, to a broad, throbbing ache this morning. It kept me awake last night. And with the myriad of medication I am already ON, I didn't want to accidentally cause some deadly reaction by taking some advil so I could sleep. Not gonna happen.

So here I am, genie-towel head, semi-getting ready for work this morning. I need to leave in twenty minutes. Sigh.

My lower back is killing me...this bladder infection is doing quite a number on my kidneys. Yes, Kyle. We are being punished.

I had a dream last night that Josh C. died in a tragic accident of some sort. Madness.

Snagged some numbers for a few women's shelters for my project due Monday. Yoinks. I haven't even started to shoot my slide film.

I need to be paid right now. It would be an understatement to say that I am 'lacking in funds.' More like 'lacking in food' right about now. Hellloooo scurvy!

Or not.

Can I remove the lower half of my body, thanks?

EKG yesterday. Everything = normal, but I am still freaking out about chest pain. What the heck is it from? Questions, people.

Nice day out.

And off I go to visit the Master.