Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Your Gordita is making me TI-RED

Love, Actually was GOOD. It just was. I needed it. Sappy? Yes. Realistic? Probably not. This is me not caring.

Marc got into Colorado last night---me = YAY.

ALLISON is in town this week, so we shall party hardy indeed.

Currently on break from slavery...blah. Its going by fast today. One shouldn't complain.

I'm ENJOYING this watch.

I just NEED more Under Armour! LACKING.

Mom is looking at a Jeep for herself...she found a 2001 black cherokee with 15k miles on it. If she gets this vehicle, I am going to be stealing it. No doubt. Just bring the Jeep IN.

Kyle got the job at Kinkos. YAY. And...here's your apron. Badass. Just ENLARGE it. 7:05pm. The Doctor is IN.

HOME is calling. I'm not answering.

He PREFERRED the pc to the laptop. Just THROW in a Canon printer for free, mmkay?

Default accent: British.