Wednesday, June 09, 2004

You and Sir Charles Barkley

I look like absolute ASS today. I have seriously avoided eye contact with most everyone I have talked to dealt with this morning/afternoon. Muah.

Israel is keeping me going. The next 3 days are going to be freakin' HELLA busy. I left my list of things 'to-do' before my trip in the break room a few days ago. Awesome. Now everyone knows that I need to pack my bras, buy socks, clean my 'nasty ass' room, close my Wells account, and so on. The coolest, right?


I will be without the Bell for 2 weeks. Hm...I THINK I will survive.

There I go again, breathing like a mofo. Why can't I inhale and exhale at a normal volume?

I feel so PALE.

A PALE ale, as it were.

David Letterman bothers the hell out of me.

I have gotten so much done today at work...madness. Just trying to curb the the nausea, I believe. *insert dry heave here*


There's two grape flavors: the ACTUAL grape that tastes like water, and the GRAPE flavor found in kool-aid, gum, hard candy, beverages, etc. WHY MUST WE LIVE LIKE THIS?

I'm over it.

Pirate/Urban Sombrero.