Monday, December 01, 2003


No, it can't be.

I have nothing to say, as per usual. WOO!

Worked yesterday, and it went by relatively fast. We have a sale on air hockey tables, and I just WANT ONE. Yay for home entertaining. Now I just need a starter home...I mean what?

Stayed up extremely late, but you know...these are the days!

Kronos is MESSED.

I need to do laundry.

I am so incredibly ready for this season. As much as I love my various summer activities, I would have to say that I have a secret affinity for winter. As much as I hate driving in snow and the madness of holiday shopping, I love this time of year.

And I love wearing black leather. Oh! And Chris! I have those photos now! You'll love.

Sometimes you just need windwear.