Sunday, December 14, 2003

Reason number 723 as to why Andrea is going to hell...

No sleep. NO SLEEP. Sleep? None of it. But I'll let you in on a little secret: it was worth it.

Tip: Don't work a 9 hour shift without any sleep under your belt.

Such a glorious, gooey mess of fun times last night/this morning with Wes. Awww...yay.

Eating a nasty burrito.

Mr. Tangerine Speedo.

Sometimes you just need a *fudgesicle*. Spelling on that one? Anyone? BLAH. Who cares. I really don't remember today. I do, however, recall having a nosebleed and falling asleep in the bathroom for 10 minutes. High quality.

I am just saying NO to this burrito.

As I lay me down to sleep,

I am so done with nasty burrito. AND...trash.

Shooting range tomorrow?