Saturday, March 22, 2003

When you're wide awake

I have often wanted to be put up in a state hospital. To be declared officially TROUBLED. To write bizarre stories, to paint scenes of madness and have doctors spend their time analyzing what they mean in regards to my mental state. I wouldn't have any children, but my name would live on in medical books and through boxes of video surveillance. I would never marry. I would die young, but at least days would have meaning. At least my life wouldn't be so monochromatic.


I have work tomorrow, so hoo hah for that. I need to make up my lost hours from the snow days we had earlier this week. Gotsta make the mulah.

KYLE SCORED A SPOT AT THE VERMONT STUDIO CENTER ARTISTS RESIDENCY!! I am so excited for him...he so deserves this and so much more. Kyle = art genius. I am so proud! Too awesome, indeed.

Everything I hear about this war makes me physically ill. I can't take it.

On a lighter note...shabbat was excellent. Too bad it only comes but once a week.

Anywho, I am going to run to the Rec. Hope everyone is having a nice weekend...

Avril Lavigne: "NO!!! I'm a punk rocker! I'm wearing a boy's tanktop! Look at my mad face! Bleaaah!! F it up! Suck it! Look! Watch! [ holds her hand up menacingly ] That's the English middle finger! Wrap your minds around that! I don't know who David.. Bow-ie is.. or the Sex.. Pie-stols.. I'm, like, 17, and they're, like, 100! So.. [ makes mad face ] ..bleaaahh!!"<--Amy Poehler RULES.