Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I'm late

So what's new, ey?

Talked to Jonathan for mucho horas anoche. GOOD times. And I mean good times. So good they were SCARY good times.

I dreamt about Stephen Colbert.

Hearing stories about people still doing the Indiana thing seem so far away. Memories of high school seem so entirely distant that I often believe they never happened. I read them in a novel once. I saw it on film. But not me. I didn't live it.

Perhaps I've pushed everything so far down that it seems this way. But this fact doesn't depress me. When I came out to Colorado, this was the point. TO START again. To wipe the slate, and put away all the madness and stench still clinging to me from what we'd all gone through. But now its far away.

But if I turn over a familiar stone, it comes flooding back. Flooding back as in coming at me from all directions, and it seems difficult to decipher. 4 years. That was all. So much.

Dreams, the way we planned 'em. IF we work in tandem.


Just you and I....

Dreux Dominick...where the HELL are you, my hard rockin' amigo?

Darla Dougherty. I will never forget you. Are you in Kansas? Are you a pro-rollerskater? Have you gained 50 pounds?? I want to know...and oh so badly.

So now I get ready for the job I loathe. I need to pay tuition this week. WOO WOOOOO!

OR not.

So constricting.