Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Winds of change are set to blow

The times are a'changin. I think I want to go to school in NY next fall. AGH. I just don't know anymore.

Wow. So THEO COSBY is going to be at CU tomorrow afternoon. YAY MALCOLM JAMAL WARNER! I don't know if I want to go or not. Too awesome.

Wow. Some random chick in photo lab passed the freak OUT today in the middle of an orientation. TRES bizarre. She busted her nose. It was just WEIRD. She just went DOWN.

Auditions are tomorrow. If they are open, I want to see if I can take photos for the narrative project.

The O.C. is on. WHAT IS THIS SHOW? Ugh. I hate television.

Blue eyeliner just needs to leave. Why is the dude from Love Potion No. 9 on this show?

Fell asleep randomly in classes today because of mucho lack of sleep. Not cool. KABUKI just rocks my face off.

How I LOVE psychology majors.

Oh dude in photo used to have a Jew-fro. He needs to grow that shit back ASAP.