Monday, November 24, 2003

Let me just fill you in

So after getting one hour of sleep (it was worth it, Rich), I began to unearth my driveway of snow at 3am. I finally found myself at work at 5am, which started the day off hell. PEOPLE, I DO NOT SELL BILLIARD TABLES, SO PLEASE DON'T ASK ME A QUESTION AND EXPECT AN ACTUAL INFORMATIVE ANSWER. You will receive nothing of the sort, save a panic-strickened look on my face. I sell basketball shorts and ski jackets, friends and countrymen. Hardlines just aren't my THING. Ahem.

So bless the hearts of those who don't show up on our busiest day of the week. That's all I have to say. UH...yay for overtime? is the last day off I will have in a great while. I will celebrate by doing laundry and cleaning my room. It has gone neglected for some time now, so let's make the world a better place, shall we?


I want pad thai today. I think my wish will be granted.

THURSDAY will be the day for COST PLUS 10%! I am so jazzed. There shall indeed be some North Face purchases on Andrea's account. Niiiiice. I also want a huge ass trampoline. Who knows? After all, Thanksgiving is a day in which DREAMS DO INDEED COME TRUUUUE!


Michelle, you are absolutely brilliant.