Friday, November 14, 2003


For crying in the sunshine, people. I just need to make more money. I'm going to budget with Kyle's move/NEW ZEALAND/THAILAND summer 2005 in mind. In order to save more, I might sacrifice my Scotland trip this summer, but I'll still have Israel. We'll see. BLAH.

For crying OUT LOUD...mucho aggressive-ness on the road today. Some asshole came speeding on my ass whilst flashing his brights. NOT cool. I hate trucks.

Anyway, I am just so done. I cannot wait to sleep in tomorrow. Was going to the open house tonight, but 10 hours is enough time to spend at the lovely workplace. Oh God, I need to make more money.

Mom is finally home, and she has had no sleep...thus mucho freaking tension is about the house.

Top drawer, I say! TOP DRAWER!

or not.

Shitty times, actually. Was just informed we're attending early temple services tomorrow when tomorrow is my only day off and I NEVER sleep in. JOOOOY! Too much.

On the flipside, had a wonderful afternoon with Tracie and Heather. We need to go out more often, and I sincerely hope we won't be arrested when we do.

Have growing disdain for DW. Its most likely all the tension about the opening. Oh Lord, I cannot wait.

Ya know, you guys are REALLY bringing down the makeout room!


I want to go home.