Thursday, December 28, 2006

This Bitch is BACK!

WHAT UP, ya'll. So I OFFICIALLY have a personal trainer starting today. O-MAZING. This could be the start of something GRAAAAAND.

I wish I felt more compelled to write about the initial experience, but I'm not feeling it. My tests revealed that my bicep strength is extremely kick ass, but who would want to admit to that? Just call me the STRONG ARM.

Kelly/Celia's birthday celebration is this weekend...should be sweet. I have a photo gig on Sunday morning. LOVELY. Wow, now that those two are in an accurate perspective, that does NOT sound like a good idea at all. OH WELL.

Headlines as of late:
Duane had to work a crap load this week...hoorah for the end of the month/year/holiday season.
Andrea has trouble finding shoes...visits 4 stores before finding a winner.
Andrea gets back in touch with Jon Bloom.
Andrea spends $89 at Target when she just went in just to buy a birthday card and some toothpaste.
The front screen of Andrea's "V" phone gets destroyed for some reason, robbing her of caller id and aesthetic value.
Andrea pays $14.40 for her dad's birthday card full of cash to arrive "next day" in Colorado, and the card is MIA.
Aunt Flow comes back from nearly a year-long vacation.