Thursday, May 01, 2003

Would you like papya with that?

OOOOOO. Work went by extremely fast today. Yee haw. Headed over to A&F and snagged my "8" scent. Orgasmic. Seriously.

Then because I wasn't spending ENOUGH, I went to Clinique and bought some lovely shtoff. Ahem. A day of spendage, indeed. Eh.
It could have been worse. :)

Well, I suppose I'll be moving all afternoon and through the evening. Joy. Ah well. The sooner we get it over with, the better.

Now that I have sufficient funds for my new car, I need to get my video cam ASAP. Better start looking...yay.

I have 2 final term papers I have yet to start, one of which is due Wednesday the 7th. My APS research paper is due on the 12th. Celebration. I just have to complete this presentation for FUND on Monday, and I am home free.

"Esta noche bailamos!" I AM CRACKING!