Friday, July 11, 2003


Sitting here in the office at 7:58 in the am. Bored. My allergies are getting extreme. Although I am armed with antihistamines and saline nose spray, I am still under heavy attack. Yay.

Dante took us out for lunch at the Notchtop yesterday. Very cool.

Tonight is screening for the talent show. Joy. Going to a film with Nate, Matt and Marc this weekend. Most excellent of times. I have that wonderful trip to Drums Along the Rockies tomorrow in Denver. Sigh. Might meet the rents for dinner, tho.

Holy crap. My Dad won a trip to Aspen for two this next weekend. All of this is including a day at the Aspen Spa and lodging at a hoity toity hotel for the weekend. I AM CRACKING. YOU STUMPED THE SAGE! MUAHAHAHAHAH! Ahem.

Maroon 5 is growing on me like moss on a stone.

WHY am I listening to WOW 2003? Desperation.