Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Everything else is over-rated

Hola, people. GOT MY PHOTOS back yesterday! JOOOY!

Went to Boulder yesterday with Kerli and bought some much needed (ha) items at Urban O's. Quality.

Still on the sick train, I'm afraid. This needs to leave ASAP.

Finally got all my shit out of Ferno this afternoon. Sigh. I have some extreme straightening to do.

Laundry tonight? Uh yes.

Banded up some 3k+ recruitment letters. Lambs to the slaughter, people. :)

Padres vs Rockies?

I am so freaking glad I won't be here during the YOGA conference. Makes me sick.

Yes, please send my 15 boxes of Luna bars to the other side of the camp, thank you! BREATHE IN PEACE!

No thanks.

Stayed up entirely too late last night. Crikes. Anything past 11:30 pm is pushing it these days. Wow.

So Matt is going to be 22 soon, and this number scares me. My b-day is in exactly 2 weeks. 21. Crikie. I am OLD.

Anywho, back to work. Ahem.