Tuesday, March 28, 2006


It may seem ridiclulous, but I find that compiling a shopping list for the week and executing the retrieval of grocer goods together is an entirely romantic adventure. Besides, going grocery shopping by yourself sucks.

Duane dropped mayo accidentally...a first...and it exploded onto the floor. I promptly yelled, "CLEAN UP ON AISLE 6, " therefore achieving a life-long goal.

I'm in a juice mode. Cherry & white grape = perfection.

I cleaned the house for 4 hours yesterday, but my work proved to bear fruit, therefore I am pleased. We still have a way to go before 5 guests move in very soon.

My skin is exploding. I have had flawless skin for the past 6 months, and now this. I need more product. DERMALOGICA = the best.

I feel like walking out of work right now. BOREDOM.

I hope I get that new job...that would bring back a glimmer of the lifestyle I once maintained while living in Denver.


Back to playing "office."