Sunday, November 07, 2004

Thou givest fever

Tonight was grand--dinnered in LoDo with Wes unt Silvia at this awesome Peruvian restaurant. People---if you're into the cilantro, you MUST try the arroz con pollo. Fab dish. I would hold off on the Ink Cola, unless you like a bizarre bubble gum/vanilla yellow fizzy drink. Youch.
They are coming to stay with me next weekend down from Estes, so good times will be had.

Went shopping this afternoon---people just need to STAY home. Bought some new jeans...something I could probably live without right now. But what should I expect? Feast or famine out there...

I need new bed linens--and yes, it was a headache finding the bohemian/bindi flavored one I have, but I am still lusting after the Tommy grommet set I was drooling over a few months ago. ALSO need the pillow-top were right, Jon. I can't go back. :)

Work tomorrow. The excitement is gone, much like anything I do after 2-ish months. :)

Must leave. Adios.