Wednesday, June 28, 2006

During sex:

"Do you know how to make meatloaf?"

I met with an Aerotek guy yesterday to make all my career dreams come true this week.

The hair is gorgeous.

I just chopped a crap load of veggies to prep for massive meatloaf making this evening. I am really turning into quite the clever domestic goddess, don'tcha know.

So You Think You Can Dance is on TONIGHT! I have grown to freaking love this show. Benji is my absolute favorite dancer. LOVE IT. Watch it Wednesday nights on Fox.

Quite proud of myself for buying dinner and dessert ingredients with the necessary paper towel purchase and Nutella ALL for under 20 bucks. I was elated...I practically floated back to the parking lot to load 'er up.

The Safeway I go to is in intense renovation, and the Starbucks addition within is nearly complete. There's another Starbucks across the parking lot, not more than 100 feet away from the front of the grocery store. YAY.

Anywho, my meat should be defrosted by now.