Monday, December 08, 2003

I can tell you this much

Wow. So this weekend was decent.

I would absolutely love some red wine right now...

So yea. Sunday was good. Really good. Work absolutely FLEW by...and the evening wasn't too shabby. :)

And the broncos won.

Thought about this last night on the drive home...

God, I love winter. Its snowing today. Driving back home from evening shenanigans in the snow and lit streets definitely gave me *that* feeling. Just that fluttering, nostalgic, lovely feeling that one only experiences so often.


I could just melt. Its as if I could cave in like a partially-baked chocolate cake...nothing but goo. Wow. I am soooo incredibly eloquent.

...a late night stroll in the snow amongst pale streetlights and falling flakes. The smell of perfume on my scarf...