Tuesday, December 02, 2003

You're walking on down the street, you're counting your monEY!

Ah...how I cherish my concert choir memories.



So I'm working from noon to close today (yoinks), but I'm hoping it won't suck TOO much ace, if ya know what I mean. WEEEE! I need to get excited. NO. What I really need is to formulate a plan for something of a SENSE EXPLOSION before I go to work every morning. I think this S.E. must include various stretches, jumping around, a morning walk in the frigid 3 degree weather, and a sound track one could die for. Seriously. I need a freaking soundtrack before I piece together my routine. Any ideas, people? I want something ROUSING, something FORMIDABLE, and something that gets the juices flowing.

Here are some possible song selections to Andrea's S.E. soundtrack:
1. Rocky Theme? Cliche, but its cliche for a reason, ya hear me?
2. uh...ANYTHING hardcore. I must sift through my brother's collection...
3. Maybe Godsmack? Disturbed? POWERMAN 5000! Sweeeeeeet...

So there's the start, people. Matt, you have to have some extra insight for such a compilation. Let me know your thoughts.

Anywho, my biore strip has since hardened, freeing me from any uncleanliness trapped within my pores! I am just too sexy. *choke* AH HA! Which would be an EXCELLENT addition to the S.E. soundtrack! People, people, there's no need.