Thursday, December 18, 2003

Warning: BITCHING ahead!

Just to preface the following comments: This is bitching for the pure sake OF bitching. I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me or relate for that matter. That's just pathetic. If you can relate...well, I throw to you a scooby snack. Enjoy.

So here's something that's bothering me: BORING PEOPLE.

Its as if I'm surrounded by them 24/7. "Well everyone has something to bring to the table..."

What a bunch of bullshit. Seriously.

The friends I have that I love to hang out with are *states* and *leagues* away. The people that I'm left with....well. I just can't deal with. But I can't help but think if the people that I truly love hanging out with (the miles-away people) were HERE, would I soon get sick of them? Is it wanting what you can't have? Is it that availablity angers me? Wanting what I can't have? Rejecting the spaghettio's in front of me?

Again, I am at this place in my life where my job bores the hell out of me, as well as the people I hang around with. I think the whole seasonal job gig was a great thing for moi. I could work for 4 months, go and do something else, go on vacation, meet some random people, go back to work, and so on. CHANGING it up.

Is it because deep down I don't WANT stability? Is it ever upholding my consistent wanderlust? What to do? In all sincerity I DON'T want the 2.5 kids and dog. I DON'T want the mortgage. I just want to go.