Wednesday, March 31, 2004


Wow. Wow.

I had the most GRAPHIC of dreams last night. It also included that hot guy that works at the CU photo lab. I was able to find out some history on that fellow. In the dream, his name was 'Dirty,' and he would always sleep to avoid making contact with other people. A bit of a misanthrope (no surprise there), but I was able to peel off his layers of fear to get to the heart of him.

The rest of the dream? included armies, a multitude of Asian midgets, me crawling out of small windows, running away from the 'bad guys' and biker men. Stay tuned for the film version on Skinemax. WOO woo WOO!

I do indeed realize how ridiculous all of this sounds, but it is indeed the truth...and what is freshly on the brain. I wish I could include more detail, but some things I must keep to myself. Ahem. Imagine that.

Last time I checked, my name was NOT Ishmael Kelvin.