Tuesday, March 16, 2004


You know that smell people have when they first wake up? Its that 'morning' smell...everyone has a different scent. Crazy. I opened my brother's door this morning to wake him up, and I was hit with this musty, post-party, koko scent. Ugh.

A daily task of mine for the past month has been to 'back-comb' my mother's hair. What the hell?

Everyone is talking about going back to the Y this summer, and I am supremely jealous. However, there really isn't a job I would care to work. I have worked my way up, so to speak, and I really don't want to go back. I really can't afford to work there this summer, AND I am doing some major travelling. Shit. Shit shit. I'm going to miss it.

Marc is on the phone...yay.