Monday, March 29, 2004

Sex and Gender

Heading to class in a matter of moments. I drove to school today...woke up almost TWO HOURS later than I usually do, and I was 15 minutes early for class. Madness.

The douche bags have finally left. Across from my computer were these trolls that were CONSTANTLY on the phone like this place was their personal office. Psh.

Born in Estonia...raised by the Russian.

Met some random older couple from Puerto Rico yesterday. Awesome people.


Hilarious. Dad emailed me to say that I left Pad Thai on the counter, and proceeded to cyber-reprimand my ass. How I love this age. We continued to converse via email for about 10 minutes about this freaking worthless bowl of pad thai. WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE?

Giving a presentation on my research today. Ugh. I just want to be DONE. Going home to SLEEP. esleep.