Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Back to the grind...

School wasn't horrible sinus infection has now decided to add a bizarre, dry cough to the mix of things. What I find most annoying is trying to sleep with a throat that feels not unlike the summer tundra. I am actually *really* looking forward to getting an uninterrupted, pleasant night's sleep maybe one day next week...maybe? I'm hoping this affliction will have been through with me by then; or perhaps it has more coal to heap upon my brow yet!

My psych exam went swimmingly this morning. Studying over the weekend completely sealed the deal on my big, fat, shiny A that I will be getting back on Monday. Speaking of exams, my next ginormous bio test is WEDNESDAY, over which we have not yet finished lecture. I also need to finish the reading of all 4 chapters that encompass this unit. I also have my second formal lab write up due, a stats quiz, and an in-class essay due in philo on this last day before spring break. What's the freakin deal? This weekend is going to be consumed with studying. I must devise a plan that gets me out of the house to do some off-site studying with minmal distraction. I also have been feeling as though I am operating on auto-pilot in stats lately...ideally I need to redo the last 3 sections of material to solidify the info that I can't seem to bang out.

I am off to grab some Nyquil...perhaps it will ease my transition from annoyed, hormonal, coughing woman into a sleeping nymph of sorts. That's new moniker: The Nyquil Nymph. I am hearting the alliteration. By the by, are you aware that you are required to present a photo ID when purchasing Nyquil? Apparently there are those that *abuse* this Syrup of the Afflicted. I can hardly understand why; are kids that bored these days? Will I soon have to present photo identification to purchase Listerine, as well?