Saturday, October 25, 2003

Oh Lord

So I just got back from the hospital this evening. WHAT MADNESS! I don't even know.

So I woke up yesterday morning with some killer nausea, took some pepto, then went back to sleep. I woke up in the afternoon puking my guts out. I took a couple tylenol with a sip of water, then chucked that up as well. YAAAAAY! SO puking ensued until 4:30, when I went to the doctor. I had a migraine, my back was killing me, and I had more abdominal pain than I would ever wish upon my worst enemy. I wanted to die.

So they ran me to the ER, took them 4 tries to get an IV started (YAY!), and then took some blood for a CBC amongst other things. My w. blood count was 12, 000....normal is between 5 and 7 thou. This is a sign of appendicitis. MORE FUN!!

So after loading me up with some awesome pain meds and nausea meds (the same stomach cancer patients receive...they worked wonders), I drank tons of contrast dye for my catscan (sp?). After almost two hours, I had my catscan, and that came out normal, THANK GOD. SO then they wanted to keep me there for the night because of my pain and for observation. 5 IV bags and still THIRSTY! WOO!

So some dude came in at 4am and took more blood from me (YESSS!) and I dozed off and on until 8. The rents spent the night with me as well, so they were oot and aboot the room helping me go to the bano and whatnot. I felt like a kid. Sick.

So I woke up at 10 without nausea (THANK GOD AGAIN) and just with a slight headache. I seriously just wanted to go home. The Doc came in, did a brief exam, and said I was good to go. So yee HAW.

I've basically been sleeping on and off this evening with some crazy A dreams. UH...I am a werewolf? WHAAAT?! I don't know.

So yay for the rents constantly at my side and awesome nurses and docs helping me out. Its been weird, but I suppose sometimes your stomach and intestines just need to be inflamed once in your life. YAAAY! The end.