Sunday, June 27, 2004

I'll give you 500 camels for your daughter...

Wow. I cannot even BEGIN to share what happened to me in Israel during the past two weeks. So much to digest. I kept a journal and took about 950 photos...NOT kidding. Since there is SO much to say, I'm creating an entire website with scanned journal pages and photos for people to browse through--according to their own appetite for the Andrea-Israel experience. I just don't feel like sending mass emails or gi-normous blogs about everything that happened whilst in the Land.

Fair enough.

I WILL, however, have photos available online for browse-age by this weekend.

And before I sleep...tip of the iceburg...

-Israel is NOTHING like what it seems in the media. Just stay out of that Gaza strip. Jerusalem is the most beautiful place in the world. I've never felt safer in my life.
-I absolutely LOVED Israel, especially Jerusalem. Spending a week of our trip in a flat down on Ben Yehuda was the REAL experience.
-Praying at the Western Wall and ducking through the entire length of it through secret tunnels
-Walking on Temple Mount
-Yad Vashem
-Watching the sunset over the Dead Sea in Ein Gedi
-Catching a cold in the Judean Desert
-Peering over Herod's palace and into the Judean Desert on Masada...seeing where the Romans breeched the gates of the Jewish Zealot Masada camp
-Eating enough falafel during my stay to feed a small army
-Being covered head to toe in black Dead Sea mud, and bathing in the Sulfur Springs
-Camel rides and Bedouin hospitality
-We almost weren't allowed to leave (MORE on this later)
-I'm extremely glad to be back home
AND...if anyone wants to come over and smokah the hookah--you're more than welcome.

Tomorrow = is going to be awesome. Chill day with the Jason! YAAAAAY! *insert Goat dance* <---I'll explain later.


Lilah tov...