Thursday, January 20, 2005


Because we really give a flying rat's ass.

This week has been a journey, indeed. Finished my article by today for the corp paper, but the transportation story took up more space than the editor thought----hence my story gets the boot until next week. Meh. At least it won't be cut into pieces.

Felt like SHITTLES this morning...took a long walk at lunch today to my favorite Thai place for some much needed space. The weather was RIDICULOUSLY beautiful. Ugh. I was so stressed this morning....oy. Post-lunch I headed back to the office and saw Nancy out on the lawn next to Grant street. I love that kid. Had a fabulous talk. Felt so much better post-1pm.

Jon = ill, and his dad is in town. Yikes.

Kyle was in a car accident today. What gives, people?

Jesse Bradford? HECK YES.

Matisyahu will be here in two weeks. For this I rejoice.

Taking a voice-over acting class. I am hella excited to get into the studio.

We're done.