Sunday, January 16, 2005

Don't get all heavy and uncool...

I am *loving* today. Slept in this morning and then headed down to the rents' house for festivities. Home = max. comfort. Homeade pizza tonight? Heck yes.

This weekend has been phenom--started out with Joni on Friday with some Thai and shopping. I started to get TRES tired, so we snagged some Starbucks--the triple shot = not a good idea. I ended up wrapping the night up rather early because I felt like absolute shite. Meh. I just needed some sleep.

Last night was great--Chris drove up for shenanigans. Laser tag = LONG overdue. :)
AMERICA'S GRILL? Just say NO. I CANNOT believe the positive reviews for that place.

Entertaining the thought of staying here tonight...I could fit a run in before work tomorrow.

European Vacation is on right now---hilarious. Its been a while.

Home Alone 4? WHEN does it STOP? Ugh.

Bizarre dreams last night--all I can remember is that I was stuck in a high-rise watching a swarm of tornadoes surround the courthouse. In another dream I was strapped to this catapult thing that was supposed to be a huge, indoor car-wash. Yea, I know. It doesn't make sense. ANYWHO...the catapult released both backwards and forwards... so I was flying along, strapped to the device about 50 feet into the air in an arc.

I have no idea what this means.

Allison--I've lost 5 more pounds in the past two weeks. Muahahaha! I can't wait for this week O-torture to commence.

The Colts are getting their asses handed to them.

Lizzaundrat time.