Thursday, September 23, 2004

Aggresively Passive

You really got that something...

Damn, this week has worn down the bones. I wouldn't have it any other way. I am REALLY loving work. CAN'T get enough. A bit of a crush on the boss...woops. Tres typical.

Hung out with Katie last night-->good times. We watched The Bachelor without any sound at the bar. CLASS ACT. Get this: some bitch brought her DOG along with her to the show. This pisses me off.

Rob...seriously. The calls? Nope.

I am missing Jon. WTF is wrong with me?

My body is stressed, big time. I need to solve this. The weekend will heal me. Good times are afoot, Allison! MUAHAHAHAH! Comedy club? Uh yes. Gonna get back together with Jon #2, methinks. At least for the weekend. Bah. The shit is gonna hit the fan on Saturday, folks.

Speaking of, Yom Kippur is Saturday.

My birthday is next THURSDAY. WHAT...the...freak. *gulp* I'm old. Nope.

'In a way he don't know me...'