Sunday, September 05, 2004

I know where you hide; all alone in your car

Holy shit, this weekend has been kicking ass. I've driven a total of 300 miles since Friday night. Right now I have a HUGE migraine and I probably need to throw up after I blog. YAY. Holy crap, last night was one huge drunken fest. And now the rents are fucking screaming at me because they want all of my shit out of here by tonight. I'll never get done. I have about 15 boxes of assorted shit in the basement that I haven't gone thru yet. Its all crap from high school and my 3 moves in the past year and a half. Ugh. Help.

Friday: Paid bills, went shopping, drove to Pueblo to meet up with Jon, Jesse, and Sue at the state fair. CHARMIN experience. VW bug.

Saturday: Hung out with Jesse at Jon's, drove back up from Pueblo, grabbed some clothes from home, and met up with Allison for lunch at Racine's in LoDo. Post-lunch we went grocery shopping in the ghetto for Doug's cookout in Golden. In heels. Ouch. Spent a half-hour at Argonaut's picking out 4 bottles of wine. Headed back to Allison's to change, and then drove to Golden to hang with Doug. Grilling, Tivo, wine, bar hopping, good times. Went to bed around 2-ish.

Which brings us to NOW. Showered at Doug's, and just got home. I feel like absolute SHIT, but I have to get all my crap out of the house and into the apartment by tonight. This is not going to happen. My head is POUNDING. Eh. My own bloody fault. Doug and I share the same compaint about other people taking our photos. We just KNOW.

Back to packing the Jeep. It doesn't get any better.