Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Lookin like ass; smellin' like trash
Music: Seether- Broken

'I wanna hold you high and steal your pain.'

Damn good.

MOVING DAY TODAAAAY! Wow, I am soooo not ready. BOO YAH! I'll be moving for the next 5 days, no joke. Today we're getting our clothes and beds in the new place, as well as signing the lease. I have LOADS of laundry to do. I would be a bit more ready if I didn't have to close at work for the past 3 days. Wankers. Eh. The money will come in handy. The rents are all-too anxious to get me the hell out of here. The feeling is mutual.

Can I tell you how much I LOVE Nick Drake?

I believe my posting is going to be on the minimal side because we won't have internet hooked up for about a month. This is probably a GOOD thing. Eli and I will be at the pool or playing tennis in our off time.

Gee, life is rough.