Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ugly People Have it Shitty

Wow, its been a while since I've posted. Not being hooked up at home has definitely cut down on the blogging, yet it has significantly boosted the working out. *hoorah* Double-edged sword, my friends.

I'm finding myself really missing my close friends as of late. Distance is a bitch. I've been out about every day this week with friends, but it just isn't the same. Oh, and word to the wise: DO NOT EAT AT APPLEBEE'S. Don't do it. Not cool.

This past week has been filled with so many *mini* emergencies, it is ridiculous. All of them being my fault, of course. One way or another. MEH. I need to be taking a bit more precaution these days. But the result of my actions is just too much to handle. I constantly have these issues on my mind, and I wish to taste the freedom of a clear conscience.

So I am definitely diving into work. I love my new job. I love the people I work with, and I feel that what I am doing is definitely worthwhile and appreciated. One doesn't find this often.

Heather still hasn't heard word on her job yet. Sick. Katie and that douche broke up, which is actually a GOOD thing. When someone is constantly abusing you emotionally, it is just TIME to be over.

I miss my dogs.

I am getting into a yoga or jujitzu (sp?) class. Haven't decided yet. Do I want to relax or kick some ass? I think both would yield the same result in the end, however. I could just do both. We'll see. MEH.

Mom and Dad came over for dinner last night, and it was glorious. It was nice to use my new, pricey dish and silverware set that I spent all my money on last week instead of food. But *hoorah* to nice things, ya know? I just refuse to buy trash.

Mom brought over frozen pizzas. Bless her.

Meeting up with Allison today, so this should prove to be an interesting evening.

We're done.