Saturday, October 23, 2004

Stay out of the light...

So I went to Wes' wedding yesterday...a grand mini-trip, indeed! I woke up at 5:30am, threw some clothes on, and drove to work to pick up my paycheck. Headed back home after that to get ready, and then headed to the bank to deposit my mulah before driving to Littleton to pick-up Estrella.

Stopped at Target in Boulder to buy a lint-roller (which I forgot to buy) and snagged a quesadilla maker for the wedding gift. I so want one. Started to feel my lack of sleep and nabbed a coffee before we headed further up 36. The drive went swimmingly, and I started to get misty as soon as we were driving in Estes. A million memories came flooding back all at once. This was my home for nearly two years and where I made some of the closest friends I have. I grew up in this place.

I had never met Silvia, but she was a nice Peruvian girl. TRES thin and a definite looker, no joke. Wes' entire family was there, but Sil had only her mom and grandma. They are supposed to have another ceremony when they head back to Lima this winter.

So bizarre, tho. I remember Wes when he was going out with that weird Russian chick, and when Sarah and him made a 'go of it.' Yikes. Can you believe he got married, Sarah? Crazy times. YAY YMCA romance, people. It has happened to the best of us, in some shape or form.

Post-wedding shenanigans, I stopped by to hang with the Dusty--I love this kid. He just deserves better. Then I found out that Ash is the RA for the winter...he looked REALLY good. I haven't seen any of these people in at least a year. Ash has a new cd out--Maybe Later. Ash's voice and songwriting can be described as 'optimistic Bob Dylan.' It works, tho. Trust me. He needs to go back home to New Zealand so we can hang on the ASAP. :)

Then who comes WALTZING in but Shortz. He has lost 40 pounds, and looks phenom, but tired. I thought he was going to have a heart attack when he saw me. He's actually coming down to Denver tomorrow with Brian, so we're definitely going to hang. Andrea = excited. Shortz is such a great, I've missed these people.

Post-Ash and Shortz I hung out with Doug and Jim up in the admin office--must email Israel photos to Doug. And ASHLEY---get this---ROY WAS WORKING IN THE RUSTIC!! AGHHHH! I laughed. Really hard.

After hanging with Tina Bo-Bina I had to get back to Denver for mom's b-day celebraTION. I made it back in some SWEET time. Damn, I miss that place. Dinner was fabulous. Dad did a great job with her gifts this year---I was TRES impressed.

Tonight is pumpkin time with Alli and Co. Good times.

Eli came home with a gi-normous smile on his face because he kicked some guys ass last night in a fight. Boys will be boys.

Talked to Jon last night--he's having me over next Friday so I can help him arrange his new place in the Springs with Sue (My CHARMIN buddy). Hot tub, anyone? I think I can handle this. :)

Marc called as well, last night. He's doing WELL, and this makes me happy. I loves you, Marcus.

Damn, I need a Blackberry. I actually bought a PLANNER last night to keep track of shit. CRAZY.

The Jeep needs a tune-up, STAT.

I hope Wes is making some sweet, sweet quesadillas today...

HOLY CRAP! ALSO---talked to Mel-dawg for the first time in a YEAR last night, as well. She's chillin in some Blah Blah-Qua town in upstate NY, still. I need to visit. Her voice was so good to hear on the way back from Estes last night. Wow, I miss these people. I seriously need to be a better friend. Distance = UGH. Gonna whip my sorry ass into shape...

Going to see the Grudge tonight...I doubt I'll sleep soundly for weeks. EH.