Wednesday, October 20, 2004


I say some dumbass things, mis amigos. Worked out in the employee 'FITNESS CENTER' today post workage with Nancy. Yay for friends that are old enough to be your mother. Age just DOES NOT matter. I was on the stationary bike yelling at the television. I am so done with this election year. The PT's were working out and had a TIMER on so they could 'circuit' all 5 of the machines. And jump rope. To 'PUMP UP THE JAM,' no less. I wish I was kidding.

I found an 'ESTELLE GEDDY' workout tape, as well. Someone that gets why this is funny needs to watch it and workout hardcore SITTING IN A CHAIR style with me. On the ASAP, folks.

Do I LOOK like a public interest lawyer to you?? HUH?!

When spending the night at my parent's house, I feel like I never have to go to bed. WHAT IS THIS?

Free laundry.

HUNT/GATHER FOR QUARTERS ...I just GIVE you my permission.

There used to be salsa in that bowl.

Tomorrow is my Friday. I need to phone Estrella on the ASAP.

I loves my children...especially you, Marcus.

I need ideas for another costume. My Halloween costume is too racy for my work 'BREAKFAST POTLUCK COSTUME CONEST.' SO wrong. The wench costume just isn't going to win me 8 hours of PTO. I'm thinking GHOST of Disco. Two words, my friends...GLITTER and AFRO.