Sunday, October 03, 2004

Take me OOT

I think I've been OVERLY adapting myself to people. I do this to make people feel comfortable and correct. But I believe the overuse of such things can be TRES unkosher and ultimately bad news overall. UNhealthy. I think its because I generally want people to like me, but I'm definitely eeping into a time period in which I couldn't give a rat's ass. This definitely comes in cycles.

I love how the bar scene is just one huge meat market. A meat market full of decomposing, drunken, ugly flesh. Granted, I have met some cool people, but they are few and far, amigos. And I feel for you guys, I really do. It takes cojones and/or alcohol to take that much rejection in one night.

Joni, you rule. I knew it would happen.