Sunday, February 29, 2004

It has come to this


This morning I was driving back from Daniel's at around 3am. The roads were shitty, starting at i-25 and Hampden. Wow. NO plowing whatsoever. People were going around 30 mph. I exit off of Lincoln, making my way home to Parker. Not far to go. Start heading down a hill at around 20mph, and I feel myself drifiting to the right. I can't stop. I can't turn. I end up smashing the front right of my car into the guardrail. Ouch. I'm okay. I wait for the cars behind to pass the road so I can back up on the road and continue home with my busted headlight. Then WHAM! I am smashed from behind out of nowhere, and I spin into the intersection. Everything in my car is flying about. My head and chest fly forward. I scream.

So yes. My first car accident. Lovely. I feel pain in my neck. Dad comes to get me, and I park my once beautiful car at Walgreens. The trunk is completely smashed to bits. He takes me home, and my back is starting to majorly hurt. We go to the hospital, and the radio. tech takes about 30 x-rays of my spine. Nothing broken, thank G-d. But I can barely move. My ribs and pelvis are bruised to hell. I have a huge goose-egg on my left knee. WEEEE!

But nothing is broken. No stitches. It could have been worse. My car is now a piece of shit. Sigh.

This was my first accident.

On the phone tomorrow with everyone and their brother about the accident. Yay insurance.

My face hurts like a bitch.

Kyle, I left my cell in the car, and I don't have your number anywhere else. CALL ME at home, you troll.

I need to sleep for a week.

Friday, February 27, 2004

The Brawny Man

Victoria is overjoyed with her new female body. Would you stay with your spouse if they decided to have a sex change?

Crazy times.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004


"Mom is in the hospital, Andrea."

Oh G-d. No one wants to hear these words. But as soon as my brother delivered such "tidings,"my heart stopped cold in my chest. Thoughts of heart attacks, strokes, car accidents, and amputation explode in my mind. Scary moments. But no, she has broken her right arm and chipped a great deal of bone in the process. This isn't kosher news, but I breathe a sigh of relief. She's okay. In a great deal of pain, but stable.
"She most likely will have surgery within the next 48 hours. They are gonna send her home until she can see McDonnough tomorrow."

That damn orthopedic surgeon. My last encounter with McDonnough was last week. His patient "care" approaches nonchalance. With a flip of his wrist he displays your crumbled bones on a backlit 8x10 his teeth and takes a deep breath.

"Well. Its broken. Let's take some more x-rays, shall we? Ryan will be around to escort you to radiology. Sit tight."

This is the last you see/hear from McDonnough. This man could care less.

I am concerned for my mother. Dad is out of town until Thursday. Still in Orlando, and feeling tres guilty about the entire situation. And as he should. I'm working tomorrow evening until close, which I am not looking forward to. Not because I have to go to WORK, but because my mother is injured. Doesn't seem right.


The performance went well this morning in theatre, and Sean worked wonders with our new props. Kudos to Sean. And was actually STIMULATING today! AMAZING! Release the hounds! And as for'll have to see for yourself! I am EXTREMELY pleased with my enlarged prints. But I have this itch. I have this itch to go crazy and buy tons of old military uniforms for my next project. Details later. :)

I'm feeling my lack of sleep right now...

WHY do I insist on debating Carol?

Saw Gordon and Jamil today. CRAZY. That Jamil is a trip and a half. And as for Gordon? Well...he's in a world of his own. Let's keep it that way.



There's just no more chamomile tea.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

There is no standing room for you

Yay. About to get ready for work here. Gart Brothers just MAKES my day. Or not.

Tonight I need to memorize my lines, write a paper, and catch up on readings. Not to mention meet Allen and throw that suitcase back at him. SPANKS, AMIGO!

Went to bed tres early last night, but I soooo needed to. Bloody 2 hour nights just aren't cutting it.



Awww, Kyle.

Thoughts of quiznos...

Bart DeRocher is just GOOD PEOPLE.

I miss Steve. Or maybe I just miss his bongos...

Monday, February 23, 2004

Quiznos? Delivery? Uh yes.

So Monday. Not too bad, considering I had 2 hours of sleep and 2 presentations to make. At times we are invincible.

I was tres jazzed to see my fellow classmates' work this afternoon, and I was IMPRESSED, overall. Of course there are always your douchey people, but I am really satisfied with my work. And *wow*, other people related with my work...always a grand feeling. I think this is what I love. Feedback, good or bad. There's just so much to give. I need my own darkroom NOW.

Cinnamon raisin toast = yes

Some random old homeles dude hit on me today. What draws these people to me?


" you got lotsa boyfriends, ey?"
Me: "Of course!" *insert rapid bus boardaTION.*

Hello, I am not a 10 year-old girl.

I need to find myself a culinary man.

*wipes toast crumbs from lap*

Its amazing. Today I didn't feel medicated in the slightest. I could get used to this.

Sex/Gender = a snooze cruise this semester. Thank you, grad student professor. You're just NOT doing it for me.


King Kong is just LUMBERING over the Rockies. Celestial Seasonings Factory? You HAVE to be kidding.

Making enlargements on Wednesday, and I am SO SO SO JAZZED about this. Looking forward to seeing my work in a decent size.

Going to bed early, folks.

Work tomorrow in the afternoon. Hmm...I need caffiene. Might head out later tonight...

400 ISO SWF!

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Royally F*cked

Wow. So I come home last night, and someone has left my laptop ON, and hanging out with a bunch of not-so-laptop-friendly clothes on the papason. My laptop = hot as hell. And as of this morning, refuses to run. Andrea = pissed. JOY.

Besides my laptop not functioning, I have a meeting to attend to this afternoon with that troll guy I met at Gart's like a month ago. Speaking of a month ago, I have some library books to return...

But I digress. If my laptop is fried people, heads WILL roll.

Dad = in Florida. Color me jealous.

Have to pick some things up today for my presentation tomorrow in photo. Hopefully that will go well. I'm sure it will.


Last night at Daniel's was nice. Time seemed to STOP for once instead of flying by. Good times.

I miss Kyle. 28 Days Later is just NOT as scary a second time around. Did bring back memories of the R.A. summer. WHO IS BEN PIPPEN?

My head will explode.

I need tro clean my room. Cleaning = throwing everything into a bonfire.

Do I even KNOW what's going ON?!


I am longing for salsa. Damn you, Kyle!

E-COMMERCE! *scam*

We are, we arrrre

Just not going to go formal with the meeting at Starbuck's this afternoon. JEANS.

Flip-flop days.

Received a call from Marc last night, and I understood not a word. Yay.

Daniel is coming over next week for Erev Shabbat dinner + staying the night for Shabbat readings. OY. I'm not really nervous about the big *parent showdown*, but I'm afraid certain questions will pop up.

"So, Daniel. Have you known our daughter FORNICATOR!"

Or something like that.

We'll see.

Actually WORKING this week...12 hours *weeee!* As soon as this bloody foot is healed I'll be heading back for 32-36 hours. Poor, poor Sean. Bless his heart, seriously. He just DOESN'T KNOW.

Bizarre dreams last night. The details are all mine.


Friday, February 20, 2004

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Not where you belong

My contact sheet turned out tres bien. Going to the lab tomorrow for an all-day fiesta of photo, if you will. Good times.

I am more than tired. I don't know how in the world I am awake right now. 2 HOURS of sleep...barely managed to sit up in Sex/Gender this afternoon. Sitting up front + drifting off to sleep in the middle of lecture = GRAND.

Devel was MUCHO fun! Leah took me under her wing today and showed me how to work the enlarger. Sweet kid.


Monday, February 16, 2004

Main offender

V-Day was one to remember. *Ahem*

Daniel took me to the opening night performance of La Boheme. It was FABULOUS. Afterwards he treated me to dinner and champagne at the Rialto. Just EXTREMELY NICE. Dessert = work of art. As for the rest of the evening? was all mine. :)

Class is sucking wind, thank you Gollum.


Gordon randomly messaged me today whilst I was in theatre composing a small play about foreplay. Or lack thereof. MUAHAHAHA!

"Oh! Jurassic Park 3! We haven't seen that!!"


I need a haircut.

Appointment with surgeon tomorrow.

Oh yes! And my tests finally came back. Yep. I have strep. YAY ZITHROMAX!

I am just worn out from being ill.

My kidneys are hurting. This is a bad thing. Thank you, douche bags, for not getting my results in for a WEEK. A WEEK.


Its time to perspire

Wow. Fab night. I need to decrease spendage.

Daniel is just great. Just great. What am I to do?

I need to sleep.

Giving a presentation tomorrow in photo...yoinks.


I need sleep.

Friday, February 13, 2004

1,2,3,4 LIFT your leg up HIGHER!

Aww. The Goodbye Girl will always be my first love.

It just hit me how much shit I have to do this weekend. Well...Sunday, that is. Muahahahah.

Tomorrow is going to be absolutely fabulous.

I got a kick ass underwear set from work today for frizee. CRAZY. Sometimes I love retail. *spoken like a true mooch*

Wal-Mart = ugh.

I'm glad Sean is the new AP Manager, but he's too driven. We'll have to break the sucker down.

I am going to get some AWESOME photos tomorrow downtown. Debating whether or not to do the Viking hat thing...what the hell, I'm going for it.

Today went by so incredibly fast. What to make for dinner?

Last week was just 2 days ago.

The foot is not doing well.

I've had nothing to eat today. I just realized this.

If the world was on fire, no one could save me but you

This is what I hate...

Why oh WHY do I open my mouth at all? By disclosing every single thought that pops into my brain, I make myself appear more and more idiotic.

I have friends making babies and writing their thesis. I have friends with broken bones and regrets. I have friends out of the country, stuck in the middle, and some friends standing still. I am not quite sure where I fit into this mess.

I want to be in Northern Africa right now. I want to sink to my knees in the sand and plant my fists deep into the earth. I long to feel this connection. A connection with something bigger than myself.

Relationships aren't enough. At times I look and feel as though I have things in their place, but its really all a joke. Is it even possible to be 100% sure of where and who you are?

These moments seem to wash over me weekly now.

I want to sell everything and move to a distant familiarities whatsoever. And in these muddy waters I would find myself at home. This fear is nothing more than unparalleled excitement for what could BE.

Who would I find? How long would I last?

But IS my place here? What about ties? What about family? What is my true motivation?

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Who is Garth Cheek

Sometimes your foot gets run over by a FORK LIFT. WHAT?!!?

Could it seriously be colder outside?

I need a hair cut.


---"Honey, when I first saw you, I thought you were a TREASURE TROLL!"---

Vanilla wafers = grandma food, but I can't help but induuuulge

CNN: 'FRIENDS' the most overrated comedy ever. <---I JUST AGREE WHOLE HEARTEDLY WITH THIS! Who seriously gives a rat's ass?

WHAT THE HELL? Why is this news?! WHY?! People are dying and going to hell...and yet this is news. NEWS. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I just did not watch the grammy's this year. Who even cares? WHO IS BEYONCE?

Shift + 1

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Sounds like your own gay anthem

This dog stinks.

Been straightening things up around here, and I just seem to dig myself deeper into the madness. Sigh.

The doctor didn't call me with my lab results, which is mildy irritating.


I'm bleeding.

Red as sunset...warmer than wine...the taste of salted summer brine

Think twice

So went to the doc in the afternoon for some blood tests and a culture. Sick. My throat and neck is indeed a battle ground right now. Won't find out until tomorrow if I have strep, mono, or some other kind of viral shit going on. UGHHHHH. I just want to SWALLOW. THIS IS ALL I ASK.

I just emailed all my profs. Tomorrow is sooo not a good day to miss, and this pisses me off. We actually have LAB time tomorrow in photo, and we're starting group projects in theatre. Oy oy oy. It was supposed to snow tonight...I wonder if it did. The commute tomorrow will be a pain, that's for shiz.

My face is looking A LOT better. YAY leprosy!

I need to kick my ass and start getting some more sleep.

Wow. I am just having bizarre sexual dreams as of late. This last one included having sex in a truck, which was covered in pink flowers and baby chicks. ALSO another in which I was with some Young Frankenstein-esque duder. BIZARRE. WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM?

Just let it SNOW.


Who is YOUR barista?

Tuesday, February 10, 2004


Why did I wake up this morning?

My left gland on my neck is SOOO SWOLLEN, and it is tres tres difficult to swallow. UGH! Not getting enough rest is going to kill me.

Damn, I need to get gas.

ALSO...must go to LB today and grab my check. DON'T WANT TO GO IN THERE.

Working at Gart's today until 6. Not looking forward to this. I need to numb my throat.

Need to set up my appoinment with my ortho dude today or tomorrow. Yee.

So mom saw my neck this morning, and I keep Yay looking like a ho.

Damn, I need to get ready for work now. I have no idea what I am going to wear. Classy.

Tonight I need to finish my poem, think of a project for theatre, and perhaps take another roll of film. Woopee.

This entry is sucking wind. Eh.


Monday, February 09, 2004

Reality check one, two, three

What is it about this past weekend that has kicked my daydreaming ass into shape? WAKE UP. Seriously.

So here's a rundown about what's crappening in the sphere of my "college" education.


So half of my classes are taught by grad students. Granted, one of these classes I am actually getting something OUT of, so not too shabby. HOWEVER, in my other classes I am just not being challenged. Its freaking me out. A wasted education is for HIGH SCHOOL, not college. Bunch of shite.

This is for all the lonely people...

Having a spectacular time with Daniel. Last night was absolutely BIZARRE. The most bizarre night of the year as of current in my book. I can't go into excruciating detail, but it included a drunk lesbian encounter on 16th, a screaming pothead at the state building, being pulled over, a fire, and running over a rabbit. MADNESS.


My hands are cold.

So yes yes. Helmut is brilliant. I need to experience this brilliance in all facets of my education. I feel cheated. But the search has indeed commenced...

Miss you, Kyle.


My chin is in a STATE.

And its just NOT RHODE ISLAND.

Memories of time that has passed...

Oh my MUST CHECK OUT the "Wicked Games" cover that HIM has done. F*ing BRILLIANT. Put that sucker on REPEAT.

I need to clean my living quarters. I guess now is as good as any time to start unpacking from this summer.


My jeans are just FALLING OFF.

Thank you, Frank's Red Hot Sauce.

Saturday, February 07, 2004


That dude needs to STOP calling me.

It really is a beautiful day outside, and I need to get my arse out of the house and take advantage of it. Snow + sunshine = good weekend.

I would be skiing.

Keep having dreams about the pseudo-end of the world. Always a tsunami. And always I am near the shore...last night I was in Greece. And in a piercing parlor, of all places. Bizarre.

Tonight should prove to be a grand time.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Hungry Like the Wolf

Last night = brilliant.

And for some reason I was given dirty looks by the waitstaff the ENTIRE TIME. What the hell?

Baklava was good...don't think they spat in it.

More to come.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Just like Buddy Holly

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and your duvet is just GONE.

Photo catastrophe today in lab. Needless to say the shoot last night was in vain. *WEEP*

But this is the learning process, no?

I am just having a SPLENDID time in comp. It could just be my class, but I'm gaining a new found confidence in my writing. UH...not blog writing. But yes, actual organized, focused, and meaningful writing. Ahem. Don't expect to find any of the shit here. I'm on contract.

Blah blah, letter from grandma, I won a million dollars, coupon, and YESSSS! QWEST BILL!

Oliver Beene? Yay for cute kid from Royal Tenenbaums. I can handle this.

My room needs to be organized tomorrow.

You have no soul.


Did a supoib shoot with Eli this evening. I hope to G-D above that something turns out, because I took a LOT of time on this one. I got crazy with lighting, and I did Eli's makeup. If some of these turn out, I am going to get some of Coco doing his thing. Something like a "Tale of Two Fighters." So cool.

Anywho, as per usual I have a zillion chapters to read before class tomorrow, of which I need to wake up in 5 hours to make. I am ULTRA tempted to just stay up and complete all my readings. As a result, I would need to consume mass quantities of espresso pre-8:30am. This could be dangerous and/or fun. We'll see how it goes. If I go thru with it, L-rd knows I will blog again before I get ready for school.


Tuesday, February 03, 2004

These walls are THICK, baby. Like my love!

Imagine the most boring time you've ever had in your short life, multiply it by 100, and that is how work was today. And I was only working four hours. Oy.

Eli is rocking my world right now. This sounds uber middle school (as does the word "uber"), but he bought me a Josh Groban poster. *GASP* Points awarded.


I need to take some photos. Sigh. I could wait until tomorrow when I actually have natural light to work with. I'm also toying around with my more abstract idea. We'll see.

That wasn't my fault. It was Halloween, and she was dressed like a slinky.

I'd hit it

This is a mess.

Working in a few hours here. Not looking forward to it.

I need to get another roll of film done by tonight for devel tomorrow. Still debating on my "domestic case." We shall see.

I need to call LB. Ugh.

If one more person starts talking about Janet Jackson, I will throw a brick at their face. This one guy in my gend/sex class was making a big deal about how his SON was watching the show, and how dare he see a boob. Ahem. Now let me get this straight. The whole BOOB thing was at the END of the show, right? However, the show opened with Jackson's provocative dancing, and Nelly singing "Hot in Herre" with gyrating dancers. So it was PERFECTLY FINE for your son to watch Nelly sing and dance with half-naked women and tell them to "Take off all their clothes," but when a breast is flashed, its a big freaking deal to you? An eight year-old kid shouldn't be WATCHING the half-time show if it opened with that much "funk," and DAD, you should know that. Anything produced by MTV is going to be sex-driven, and they make no subtleties.

Ugh. People piss me off.

Amelie is overdue.

Monday, February 02, 2004

I like the way you move

7am breakfast: energy drink and some spicy nacho doritos. Heart exploding in t-minus 5 seconds.

Note: Don't start off anything by saying, "Well, I'm a 47 year-old CAT guy from North Dakota..." You just signed your own death warrant, amigo.

Release the hounds

My first LATE night because of school work and my procrastination. HELLO, SPRING SEMESTER 2004! Can you handle this?

I am so jazzed about Lysistrata. Love it.

I actually set out clothes for tomorrow. I need to do laundry, people.

Going to hire my own PT in a few weeks...well, as soon as my foot is healed. I've got a serious itch to whip my ass into gear bigtime. I also want to paint my room and send off (that sounds so 1930's a la 'send off for my decoder pin') for my prints.

French and German photographers = hells yes.

I'm tired.

Three hours of sleep. WHY do I DO THIS?

Sunday, February 01, 2004

And this I know fo shooooo!

I miss Kyle.

I need to clean my room.

I need to do my homework.

Will I do it? Probably later.

I'd actually like to get my ass out of the house and get some photos taken. I hope to G-d I'm doing this right.

A day in the life...

I want to go to a bus station.


Today: Need to purchase towel and apron for class.

I bought the rather new Jars of Clay album and sadly I am NOT impressed. I BOUGHT THE ALBUM FROM THE STORE. Lesson learned, children...lesson learned.

Question: Why would the world give a shit about TERRY BRADSHAW being depressed?