Monday, February 23, 2004

Quiznos? Delivery? Uh yes.

So Monday. Not too bad, considering I had 2 hours of sleep and 2 presentations to make. At times we are invincible.

I was tres jazzed to see my fellow classmates' work this afternoon, and I was IMPRESSED, overall. Of course there are always your douchey people, but I am really satisfied with my work. And *wow*, other people related with my work...always a grand feeling. I think this is what I love. Feedback, good or bad. There's just so much to give. I need my own darkroom NOW.

Cinnamon raisin toast = yes

Some random old homeles dude hit on me today. What draws these people to me?


" you got lotsa boyfriends, ey?"
Me: "Of course!" *insert rapid bus boardaTION.*

Hello, I am not a 10 year-old girl.

I need to find myself a culinary man.

*wipes toast crumbs from lap*

Its amazing. Today I didn't feel medicated in the slightest. I could get used to this.

Sex/Gender = a snooze cruise this semester. Thank you, grad student professor. You're just NOT doing it for me.


King Kong is just LUMBERING over the Rockies. Celestial Seasonings Factory? You HAVE to be kidding.

Making enlargements on Wednesday, and I am SO SO SO JAZZED about this. Looking forward to seeing my work in a decent size.

Going to bed early, folks.

Work tomorrow in the afternoon. Hmm...I need caffiene. Might head out later tonight...

400 ISO SWF!