Thursday, January 08, 2004

Half a dozen women that I think I wanna marry

Push your SHIFT button 5 times.

And may I just say...SWISHER SWEETS, YA'LL.

That will never get old for me.

WHY oh WHY is he getting married?! Stupid boys.

So blah. Ran home for my *LUNCH BREAK*, so I need to head back to Gart's soon. The ad breaks tonight, so we all know how much fun that is to set back up. Woo WOO, YA'LL!

Joni sent me the photos of all the army guys, and I am cracking a great deal. TOO bizarre and awesome. I gotsta get me one o' dems army guys!

Wow. Saw Amelie last night for the first time. I need it NOW. NOW, I SAY!



I have a migraine the size of a classic double.




I need to brush my teeth. But not before...