Tuesday, January 13, 2004

I can't even describe it

Tonight was the most bizarre night of my life.

Thing with Craig-sushi, saki, eating live crabs, and BIG FISH. I love you, Ewan.

3 cups of coffee with Wes at 1am- some guy ran out on bill, waiters went to chase him, dude pulled out a 9-inch knife on his ass. Good/great/grand to see Wes. He looks tired. I'm slap happy. Too much coffee.


2:30AM- get on I-25, its CLOSED. I don't know any other way home. Follow 4 detours. Get SEVERELY lost. Pull several bitch turns. Call parents at 3:30am for directions. Feel like SUPERIOR DOUCHE BAG of the year. And we're only a week in. I've never been so happy to see Parker road. Struggling to stay awake on drive home. Coffee + saki = NO!

I have to work SOON. Only doing 4 hours, but I haven't been this tired in months. G-D HELP ME, PLEASE!

4:46 AM- lips chapped. Thankful to be home. I don't deserve my parents.

OBSERVATIONS: Craig is super cool. Purple glasses? PSYCHIC CONNECTION? Good film.

I am so HUNGRY.

Look to the western skies.