Saturday, January 10, 2004

Right back where we started from

What is Jason Schwartzman doing right now?

Going out tonight, ya'll. Margarita night! WOO WOO! I am a 50 year-old woman. Salsa, anyone?

I keep purchasing, and what does it do for me? Fill my closet, and not this void. But underwear with hearts just CALLS MY NAME! Sad. Valentine's Day approaches, and my retail world just shoves it in my face and forces me to buy more pink. PINK. PINK. BUY PINK.


I want sushi this weekend.

I need to make my bed.


I think its kinda funny, I think its kinda sad that the dreams where I'm dying are the best I ever have.

I had a nightmare that someone made me have bangs last night. NO BANGS!

Or DOES she?