Sunday, March 30, 2003

As plenipotentiary for the Western Seas...

Sunday. My favorite day. Or not.

My nails do not grow.

Had a strange dream last night about these four men who came to live with me. They wore driving hats and tweed suits.

I got up way too early. This is not a good thing. I have no doubt that I will be pulling a late night tonight. Better make sure we have coffee...

So work today, right? I only have to stay until 3:30, so it won't be that bad. I'll have ample time to come home and study for the APS midterm.

Breakfast sounds extremely nauseating right now. I think I'm going to hold off on that one.

I believe your mom is blessed with a plenitude of natural resources. MUAHAHAHAH! *takes your salt shaker and runs away*

With much affection and solicitude,