Sunday, April 20, 2003

So please, sir, if you run into my momma...

Blah. Sunday. Work = closed today, so slave labor has been delayed until Tuesday. Nice.

The USA Weekend published a story about the growing popularity of haikus (seriously, who doesn't like them?). However, the article stated that the "genre's fans" rationalize the American popularity of the haiku in the following statement:

"The genre's fans say that haiku is ideal for Americans, an audience with a short attention span and aspirations of a life in letters."

Who are these fans of the genre? Stuffy Americans? Iowa's East High School haiku club? Come on. Americans don't want to read a lengthy sonnet, either. Anything over 3 lines is just too damn long for us. Give us some credit here, people. I think I can handle at LEAST 2 stanzas. *Ahem*


I'm goin' like Elsie.