Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Someday we'll find it

Today was incredibly odd, let me tell you. Work = eh. I'm done there in less than 3 weeks. *insert evil laugh*

Tried to do three pull-ins; all were unsuccessful. Babies hate me.


It rained off and on today, and the whole city/mountain range is now dominated by cumulonimbus clouds. My fave.

"Today skies are painted colors of a cowboy's cliche'
And strange how clouds that look like mountains
in the sky are next to mountains anyway."

John = great.

Class tomorrow, but I don't have anything due. I need to get that interview for FUND done by MONDAY. I am such a douche. I better call someone by tomorrow night. Ugh. By this time next week, I will be pumping out research papers faster than Zeta Jones babies.

Anywho...Kyle is getting sick. Its NOT SARS, Kylo! Its mostly likely another case of the clap, you stanky ho beast.