10 year-olds do NOT need cellphones
Pre-teens ANNOY THE HELL out of me. I require some white choco mousse right now.
"Uh...Andrea...we're gonna need you to do a 180% close tonight b/c corp is coming tomorrow...mmkay? Do you know what that means?"
Hmm...I've only been here a YEAR, know more about my department than my current manager, and I am the only person who gives a shit and can make the pad look decent. And I don't even GIVE a shit. What does this tell you?
Seriously. 2 more weeks is just TOO long for this shite.
EH. Anywho...nabbed some design books from the 'ol libe. I owe them like 4 bucks for having A Raisin in the Sun out for like 2 months this past spring semester. Sick.
Eli has TWO interviews this week. CELEBRATION. One is at a donut shop. His words: "I better not become a fat fuck..." My family exudes class.