Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Pressed against the hard things of the world
7:17 PM. I am hella bored. Currently on break from work. Bob and Rob are working, so I am saved. I've spent most of my time today hiding and working on my monthly budget. Rock. There's absolutely nothing to do at work, and its killing me.

It's raining like mad. Duane walked me out to my car with his umbrella, but my left shoulder was not shielded from the downpour in the least. I didn't feel like getting 'close and cozy' with the man, so I didn't say anything. EH. Wet shoulder, clear conscience. He shaved his goatee that he's had for 13 years. His wife prefers the clean-shaven look. I personally think he looks like a douche without the flavor saver. Not to mention a poor double-person umbrella holder. EH.

I'm currently dealing with a lot of shit right now, just under the pulse. Some of it I'm letting slide because other matters take priority now. But this is how we deal with life--not unlike an ER triage. The important crap we deal with face-to-face, and the rest we can leave well enough alone...for now. Sigh.

Tomorrow is my last night closing, so YAY. I'm planning on making Friday afternoon a day of furniture hunting with Allison post-interview. We should have some good times all-around.

My body hurts.

Sleeping tonight is going to feel fabulous.

Kyle, are you still alive?
