Tuesday, August 17, 2004

If you press F3, you can get like 10 more lives, dude.
On break from work. I currently have 13 dollars in my checking account...JEALOUS? Thank you, 300+ dollars in bills and my apartment deposit. Damn, I can't wait to get paid, and get my new job.

Speaking of, the hoity toity law firm received my email, but couldn't open my resume. NOT COOL. At least they were nice enough to ask for a different format instead of discarding my resume like a piece of soiled toilet paper. Rock. Yay for damn sweet cover letters. Or their desperation...either/or. :)

Closing tonight at Gart's. Its pretty slow, so thank G-d. Seriously. I've been folding and straightening all afternoon...ahh...the life of the closer. I've also sold more hardlines today than my own softlines. Figures. EH.

Do you have these volley socks in a HUNTER GREEN?

Christopher cracks me up. Glad he called today and saved me from retail, if not for more than 8.46 minutes.

Anywho, I gotta get back to work. Gonna go home, re-format my resume and get it off to the appropriate people, and sleep.

OH! Dad did give me a call...he was setting up a golf game for next week with the CEO, and he said that I would be a 'good fit' for the organization. Please oh please hire me...

We'll see.

Last night I couldn't sleep, so I mapped out what my room is going to look like with various bed placement. I am def. jazzed. I also need to build some shelves.

If I had a hammer...