Friday, August 27, 2004

I wanna hold you high and steal your pain...
Music: America-Rainy Day

Dark and rainy. My day off. I love it.

I woke up at noon, ate a cherry popsicle, hung out for a bit...and here I am.

Today I need to sort all my clothes, and throw most everything away. CATHARSIS.

Had a bizarro movie dream again. I was in this small, Irish community...a child had passed away. We were mourning this child for about 2 weeks. Christian Bale was in it. He didn't give me a second look. Figures.


I need to run to Big Lots today to get my credit card statement back. I hope no one snagged the numbers...I could be ULTRA screwed.

Hallie is now freaking out because of the rain.

Eh. I'm now off to light a fire under my ass. Wish me luck.

Thanks for the message, Kylo. I love you too, man. :)